A Sister's Dream Anything IS Possible, ISBN: 9798887961958
A Sister's Dream Anything IS Possible
  • By (author) Chitongo Sarah

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Brief Description

"I carry my childhood with me; it made me the woman I am today..."

Thus begins A Sister's Dream, the inspiring true story of one woman's journey from devastating poverty in Zimbabwe to becoming an award-winning pioneer in the use of augmented reality in midwifery training and addressing the unequal treatment of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic patients in the United Kingdom.

The tragedy of her beloved father's unexpected death, followed by the discovery that the nurse in charge of his treatment in hospital had been too overworked to give him proper care, inspired a determination within Sarah Chitongo to become a nurse and go on to empower the next generation of nurses to view their patients as more than a checklist of symptoms.

A Sister's Dream traces Sarah's journey to the United Kingdom where she studies nursing at Middlesex University while struggling to make ends meet. It is through her work in a care home that she discovers an innate ability to connect with her patients that then leads to her interest in becoming a midwife.

A harrowing experience during the birth of one of her own children - and the neglect she encounters as a Black woman by the medical staff - solidifies Sarah's determination to enact change in midwifery and nursing, and ensure that all students have equal access to education. While A Sister's Dream may be about her own journey, it also encompasses the struggles of women all over the world.

A Sister's Dream reflects the effort and hard work Sarah dedicated to this cause. From introducing virtual reality in midwife training to fighting for healthcare rights for minority women, Sarah's commitment never wavered.

In this book, grief and hope walk side by side. Sarah is not afraid to use her writing to reveal devastating and brutal details about the harrowing experience of being a midwife. She doesn't shy away from highlighting the dangers that may unexpectedly occur in the delivery room. Her narrative has a sense of urgency and speed which perfectly captures how quickly a situation can go from good to bad for pregnant women. In light of this, This book serves as a platform for women who have to endure difficult pregnancies but do not have the means to voice their concerns.

Finally, A Sister's Dream is a source of inspiration for anyone who feels hopeless about a cause and wants to make a better change. Sarah Chitongo did not give up. She continued her journey even when she kept accomplishing her goals. She kept envisioning a future where safety for pregnant women is given the utmost importance and care.


In 2020, Sarah Chitongo received the RCM Fellowship Award in recognition for her work in addressing the inequality of natal care received by Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic patients in the United Kingdom. She is also a Queen's Nurse and a Specialist Advisor to the American Pregnancy Association. A Sister's Dream is her first book.
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Book Details
Lightning Source Inc
Date of Pub.:
Sep 16, 2022
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