Whose Coat is that Jacket Hanging on the Floor?: Stories of Welsh Mothers and their Lost Children, ISBN: 9781914422164
Whose Coat is that Jacket Hanging on the Floor?: Stories of Welsh Mothers and their Lost Children
  • By (author) Thomas Lewis

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Brief Description

Whose Coat is that Jacket Hanging on the Floor? tells the stories of three Welsh mothers whose children were permanently removed from their care.

In applying the term "maternal outcasts" to these mothers, Broadhurst and Mason (2013, p. 296) describe their situation as a "by-product of modern child protection systems that are adept at identifying and safeguarding many children, but less able to respond to the continuing needs of parents".

"Child removal can no longer be seen as the end of the problem." (Broadhurst and Mason, 2017, p. 45)

In his seminal book Collective Narrative Practices, Denborough (2008, pp. 27-28) states that "far too often collective histories of trauma are forgotten".

Whose Coat is that Jacket Hanging on the Floor? serves as a historical testimony and collection of narratives in response to collective trauma.
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Book Details
Rowanvale Books Ltd
Date of Pub.:
Jan 31, 2023
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Whose Coat is that Jacket Hanging on the Floor?: Stories of Welsh Mothers and their Lost Children, ISBN: 9781914422164  
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