Propel Kingdom Dimension Bible: Prosperity Releases On Purposed Effective Leaders, ISBN: 9781532748769
Propel Kingdom Dimension Bible: Prosperity Releases On Purposed Effective Leaders
  • By (author) Wiley Apostle Teyshana

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Brief Description

PROPEL-(PROSPERITY RELEASES- ON -POWERFUL EFFECTIVE LEADERS) Pro-Pel( Provision+Compel= Propel)? (PRAYER RAINS- ON -PROPHETIC ENCOURAGED LEADERS) (PROPHECY REVEALS OBEDIENCE PROMISES EMPOWERMENT- LIFESTYLE). Water for a WORKOUT, are you ready for a Heavenly Kingdom Workout? Allow God to drive the vehicle of your spirit, and follow his direction, and lead in every area of your life. Push(Position Until you See Heaven) you hear that word(PUSH) or cause to move in a particular direction, typically(Kadima, Hebrew: forward), Kingdom movement, infinite power, cast out demons, prompt having a quick answer from God and moving by God's spirit. It is Written: (Heal(restore, treat, cure, and recover) the sick, raise(uplift, and elevate) the dead, cure(heal, cleanse, and restore) lepers/sickness. Cast out(command, throw, toss, and drive out)demons. Surely give(transfer, hand over, and deliver) surely you will receive(gain, collect, obtain, and acquire: Mathew 10:8 The precipitate, to accelerate in your anointing. Catapult you in the dimensional realms of the heavens. Motivate you to be an original vessel in the kingdom of God. Walk in the force of God's army, and take every in the Kingdom and earth realm by force. Obtain new revelation from God on a daily basis. Being steadfastness and relying on God for everything, not allowing anything to shake your faith. Knowing God has your back and he will be your backbone no matter what. Possessing enjoyment in God in enthusiasm, passion, and obtain a fire spirit. Maintain the strong desire to please God with ambition, therefore, he will manifest every prophecy, purpose, and promises concerning your life. Decree over your life daily to walk in motivation, inspiration, and commitment unto God, and dedication to being a vessel of God, with dedication as being a vessel in the kingdom.

Book Details
Date of Pub.:
Apr 8, 2016
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Propel Kingdom Dimension Bible: Prosperity Releases On Purposed Effective Leaders, ISBN: 9781532748769  
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