Two Boys on a Sailboat, ISBN: 9780578385747
Two Boys on a Sailboat
  • By (author) Russell Ana M.

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Brief Description

This book is about the adventures of two brothers and how they go through the day using their imagination. The normal day to day activities for the mom taking care of the kids, becomes magical as she she is invited to join the wonderful world of her sons.

Have you ever been invited to peek through the window of your kids imagination? This is the story of two young boys who take us into a wonderful adventure and let us see life through their lens. Explore with our family a day where toys come to life, and where the ordinary becomes magical.

¿Alguna vez haz sido invitado a mirar por la ventana de la imaginación de tus hijos? Esta es la historia de dos niños que nos llevan por una maravillosa aventura y nos permite ver la vida a través de su mirada. Explora con nuestra familia un día donde los juguetes cobran vida y donde lo ordinario se vuelve mágico.
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Book Details
Lightning Source Inc
Date of Pub.:
May 25, 2022
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Two Boys on a Sailboat, ISBN: 9780578385747 Indian Economic History, ISBN: 9781639576524  
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