Le Concierge: The Butler of the Gods, ISBN: 9798722999450
Le Concierge: The Butler of the Gods
  • By (author) Martin George R. III

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Brief Description

Authors ForewordLe Concierge: The Butler of the Gods - covered a lot of ground, this was not the easiest Tale to Tell, but it needed to be told. I work for the Elohim which is Plural for Gods. The Great War of the Angels cast Billions if not Trillions of Demons from Heaven, some accepted their Fate, others became Benevolent, attempting to reverse their Exile by working with the Elohim to return to the Graces of the True Lord of Heaven Lord Zeus, or Jupiter KING of the ELOHIM or Gods. Lord Zeus as I discovered in my research was Lucifer's Father! For the Passage stated: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations." Now Goddess Aurora was the Roman Goddess of the DAWN which LUCIFER was SON of! Also, Lord GOD did CREATE or Birth from Aurora the SERAPHIM Lucifer. I just needed to make light mention of him out of Respect for the Father Lord Zeus... MY Grandfather... I know this is where you need to just hear me out. I received this BODY from a Drowning victim and at the End of that Child's Life was the start of something Miraculous! I traversed the Star Gate, was witness to many Miraculous events and they needed a volume of their own. My story is that of an Archangel of Luck and Time. I was once called by my name ADONIEL the Bona fide Archangel of Luck. This Little Boy's Body the Lord Only Referred to as: "The Little One" was not Lucky. It was tainted by abuse and riddled with bruises and knots. I would not be an easy fit. He was drowning, and time was not on my side. The Lord that day stated that you must Go Now! I was able to Bow once more and flew quickly into the child's limp body... My New Body! After drowning the Doctors informed my Parents that I suffered NO Brain Damage, No After Effects from the Drowning! Nothing out of the ordinary. Except I did not have it easy explaining to my Mother that I saw Lord Buddha, 8 Glorious Angels the Pleaides as well! She KNEW and never called me a Liar, having a Near-Death Experience of her own as well before I was born. Now since that Day, weird events started to happen, family members started to lose track of Time, forget finite details and events. Then the Sleepwalking started... every night I would sleepwalk outside and wait for The Beam-Ships, or UFOS! And I was not alone! But after nearly Dying I saw the world in a more perfect light, I dreamed in Color when a vast majority dreamed in Black and White. I also had Miracles happen that could not be explained. So, I will write exactly what happened and YOU decide if I am telling the Truth!

Book Details
Independently Published
Date of Pub.:
Mar 16, 2021
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Le Concierge: The Butler of the Gods, ISBN: 9798722999450  
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