Editorial Sümeyra Buran, Çağdaş Dedeoğlu Posthuman Media Studies J.J. Sylvia IV Sympoietic Art Practice in Co-expressive Re-worlding with Hegel's "Vegetal Subject" Lin Charlston, David Charlston Collaging the Posthuman into the Postnatural Dennis Summers Surreal Femininity: Nature and "Woman" in the Art of Marguerite Humeau Margaryta Golovchenko DOSSIER: PHILOSOPHICAL POSTHUMANISM SESSION AT THE 42ND ANNUAL KJSNA MEETING The Ethics of Human Enhancement and Ferrando's Philosophical Posthumanism Kevin LaGrandeur Capitalism in Philosophical Posthumanism Jessica Ludescher Imanaka The Hidden Religious Dimension of Posthumanism. A Commentary on Francesca Ferrando's Philosophical Posthumanism Markus Wirtz Traditions of Yoga in Existential Posthuman Praxis Debashish Banerji Beyond Posthuman Theory: Tackling Realities of Everyday Life Francesca Ferrando COMMENTARIES & INTERVIEWS The Posthumanist Dimension of the Novel Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk A Commentary Malgorzata Kowalcze Transhumanism, Nietzsche and Politics: A Commentary on Their Relationship Anna Markopoulou ARTISTIC WORKS Refocusing the Anthropocenic Gaze: A Photo Essay Jasmine Ulmer Forms of Intelligence: Co-species Care in More-than-human Worlds Kaajal MODI BOOK REVIEWS Book Review of Lucretius II: An Ethics of Motion (2020) Didem Yilmaz