There's No Free Lunch: 250 Economic Truths, ISBN: 9781637580141
There's No Free Lunch: 250 Economic Truths
  • By (author) Bahnsen, David L

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Brief Description

What David Bahnsen does here is pull from the masters—the great economic voices of the past and the present—to remind readers of the basic economic truths that must serve as our foundation in understanding the challenges of today.

In 250 vital points, he combines pearls of wisdom from economic legends with his own careful commentary to provide readers the perspective, information, and reaffirmation they need in order to see economics for what it is.

It will empower you and equip you with the truth—250 truths—that are crucially needed to keep the lights on in civilization and advance the cause of human flourishing.

Book Details
Post hill Press
Hard cover (320 pages)
Date of Pub.:
Nov 9, 2021

David L. Bahnsen is the founder, Managing Partner, and Chief Investment Officer of The Bahnsen Group, a bi-coastal wealth management firm managing over $3 billion in client capital. He is annually recognized as one of the top advisors in the country by Barron's, Forbes, and the Financial Times. He is a frequent economic and political writer for National Review, Forbes, and his very own Dividend Cafe. He is the host of the weekly economic podcast, Capital Record, and is a regular guest on Fox Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg.

He is a committed conservative, American patriot, and political enthusiast, and serves on the board of the National Review Institute, King's College, and Pacifica Christian High School.

He and his wife of twenty years, Joleen, split time between New York City and Newport Beach, CA, and have three children.

The verdict is in: Free enterprise has lifted billions of people out of abject poverty all over the world and provided a higher quality of life than has ever been thought possible. But a growing case is forming in public opinion against free markets, and for a significantly larger command & control management of the economy.

Whether you call it socialism or progressive leftism, more and more people are turning away from the forces of freedom and social cooperation that made the last two hundred years of prosperity possible, and embracing a system that deprives human beings of their dignity, impoverishing whole societies both financially and spiritually.

"I thoroughly enjoyed There Is No Free Lunch, which has a lot of my favorite economic quotes and a bunch of new favorites. The book is a reminder that truisms in life are truisms in finance as well while underscoring it is the individual that is best positioned to unlock his or her own potential and it is wise for the government to move out the way and allow it to happen. This will end up on your desk as a handy reference guide and from time to time as a pick me up when your faith in free markets might be waning." -- Charles Payne, Fox Business

"What this book does is champion the case that economics is about incentives, and incentives are at the core of what it means to be human. David's book mixes the old and the new, the classical and the modern, and does so in a readable way that teaches readers what they need to know about economics. No matter what you've been taught, or what you think you believe, your understanding of economics will benefit and expand by reading this superb book." -- Larry Kudlow

"In writing this book, David Bahnsen has done much to advance the building and understanding of a free and virtuous society. Here we have a reliable and useful tutorial on economic foundations. As both a thinker and a practitioner, Bahnsen is able to graft economics into a more complete worldview, enabling us to see the transcendence in economics done well." -- Father Robert Sirico

"David Bahnsen is a vital voice in a time of complete economic chaos. Let him guide you through the basic truths of economics, and come out smarter on the other side!" -- Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire "Economics is a complicated field, but it gets a lot easier when one masters the basics first. David has here laid out a series of foundational steps one can take to understand what many have made excessively complex and confusing. The dismal science is less dismal because of this book." -- John Mauldin

"Economics is not merely a science of managing scarcity through mathematical formulas, but a study of human flourishing, and the navigation of its short and long term consequences. As David Bahnsen brilliantly shows, There's No Free Lunch, but there is a banquet of creativity." -- Andrew C. McCarthy, New York Times bestselling author and National Review contributing editor "In his new wise and bracing new book, David Bahnsen says the promotion of human dignity and human flourishing are the truest and highest purposes of economic inquiry. This is a message everyone-right, left and center-needs to hear." -- John Podhoretz, Commentary

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There's No Free Lunch: 250 Economic Truths, ISBN: 9781637580141  
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