Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Hypnosis, ISBN: 9781433837654
Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Hypnosis
  • By (author) Milling Leonard

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Brief Description

Hypnosis affords clinicians a brief, efficient, and cost-effective methodology to address a wide range of psychological conditions and disorders.

This volume demonstrates both how hypnotic techniques can supplement science-based clinical interventions and how clinicians can use hypnosis with the assurance of a strong empirical foundation to guide their practice.

While hypnosis has carved a well-earned place in the field of psychological science and clinical practice, views of hypnosis as gimmicky or fantastical are still stubbornly rooted in our collective consciousness, thanks to media-driven, outmoded, and inaccurate notions.

This book compiles the scientific evidence for and the clinical practice of hypnosis to treat a range of problems and symptoms. Included are chapters on working with anxiety, depression, acute pain, chronic pain, and other behavioral medicine problems, as well as a chapter on working with children and adolescents. Contributors review the empirical evidence for the effectiveness of hypnosis for the problem under consideration, offer illustrative case materials, and provide examples of specific hypnotic inductions and suggestions.
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Book Details
Amer Psychological Assn
Date of Pub.:
Mar 30, 2023
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Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Hypnosis, ISBN: 9781433837654  
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