Impedance and Admittance in Desiring Machines: Artificial Psychology of Desiring Machines Volume 1, ISBN: 9781257829743
Impedance and Admittance in Desiring Machines: Artificial Psychology of Desiring Machines Volume 1
  • By (author) Moldenhauer August

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Brief Description

Impedance and Admittance in Desiring Machines is the first book in the three-volume series Artificial Psychology of Desiring Machines. August Moldenhauer explores the relation of Lacan's Graph of Desire as a tool and its potential impact on the future of what has been the domain of the psychiatric for the past 150 years. What are the paths forward for human society for the next millennia? What are the psychiatric implications of the rise of general artificial intelligence? The following series seeks to not only look into the relation of analysand and analyst as operator and interpreter, but the impact this has in not only post-Structuralist affirmations as well as in post-Enlightenment thought and its discrete application in Deep Learning methodologies of Artificial Intelligence. In the long history of psychological and psychoanalytical writing, there have been categorical roles for the subject and the analyst, which are potentially overturned or at least subject to a broader and lay interpretation as a result of the discrete application of both the Freudian and Lacanian toolsets. We find these toolsets applied to the current horizon, across the spectrum of human automatons and sentient machines. Moldenhauer's work stands as a thought experiment and a roadmap for the coming future, both to dial back dehumanizing practices and to apply cautionary measures to mechanistic flows that will eventually reach and frame humanity. Impedance and Admittance in Desiring Machines features a forward by William A Mitchell and is published by pontos fathom press.
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Book Details
Lulu Pr
Date of Pub.:
Aug 6, 2021
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Impedance and Admittance in Desiring Machines: Artificial Psychology of Desiring Machines Volume 1, ISBN: 9781257829743  
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