From Judaism to Christianity, ISBN: 9798355093976
From Judaism to Christianity
  • By (author) Walsh Jevon

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Brief Description

THE guardians of the author were brought into the world in Russia, and having both been raised as stringently customary Jews, they observed intently the regulations and customs which had been given over among the Jews for some ages. Like a great many others, they tried to escape from the mistreatments of Russia; for the Jews there are not permitted to live, and are hardly permitted to bite the dust. For quite a long time the oppressions of the Jews have been horrendous, and the peruser can barely envision the terrible things which are executed against the Jews; the vast majority of the mistreatments are carried on for the sake of Christianity.

Not long after their marriage, my folks left the place that is known for their persecution, and went to Germany, where they stayed a couple of years. They were hitched youthful, as is standard among the customary Jews; for it is one of the rabbinical guidelines and severe orders. In the "Morals of the Dads," perhaps of the most rigid analysis, it is told that marriage should occur at eighteen.
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Book Details
Independently Published
Date of Pub.:
Sep 30, 2022
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From Judaism to Christianity, ISBN: 9798355093976  
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