A Five Finger Feast: Two Years in Kazakhstan, Lessons from the Peace Corps, ISBN: 9781950444380
A Five Finger Feast: Two Years in Kazakhstan, Lessons from the Peace Corps
  • By (author) Suchsland Tim

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Brief Description

Shrouded in secrecy and once closed off from the outside world by the Soviet Union, most Americans know very little about Kazakhstan. A Five Finger Feast tells the story of this beautiful place, its vast lands, blue skies, cold winters and hospitable people. Journey with author Tim Suchsland to places less traveled, like the vanishing Aral Sea and the mountain paradise of the Altyn Arashan. Be a guest at a mad tea party, infused with vodka and the sheep-head delicacy called beshbarmak.

From 2007 to 2009, Suchsland served in Kazakhstan in the US Peace Corps-an institution at the heart and soul of what it means to be American. Through his story, Suchsland details the adventure of living abroad as a young American with its ups and downs, excitement and thrill. In A Five Finger Feast, he tells the story about growing up in a place far away from home.
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Book Details
Peace Corps Writers
Date of Pub.:
May 9, 2022
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Five Finger Feast: Two Years in Kazakhstan, Lessons from the Peace Corps, ISBN: 9781950444380  
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