Chasing Eveline, ISBN: 9781798777152
Chasing Eveline
  • By (author) Hauser Leslie

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Brief Description

Sixteen-year-old Ivy Higgins is the only student at Carmel Heights High School who listens to cassettes and has a binder decorated with album artwork by 80s band Chasing Eveline. Despite being broken-up since 1989, this rock group out of Ireland means everything to Ivy. They are a reminder of her mom, who abandoned Ivy and her dad two years ago. Now the music of her mom's favorite band is the only connection she has left.Even though Ivy wavers between anger and a yearning to reconnect, she's one-hundred percent certain she's not ready to lose her mom forever. But the only surefire way to locate her would be at a Chasing Eveline concert. So with help from her lone friend Matt-an equally abandoned soul and indie music enthusiast-Ivy hatches a plan to reunite the band.The road to Ireland won't be easy, though. And not just because there is no road. Along the way, they will have to win over their Lady Gaga-loving peers, tangle with some frisky meerkats, and oh yeah, somehow find and persuade Chasing Eveline to play a reunion gig. It's a near-impossible task, but Ivy has to try. If she can't let go of the past, she'll never be able to find joy in the present.
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Book Details
Independently Published
Date of Pub.:
Feb 1, 2023
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Chasing Eveline, ISBN: 9781798777152  
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