The Aquatic Ape, ISBN: 9781447842705
The Aquatic Ape
  • By (author) Collard Luc

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Brief Description

How can a high-level French swimmer premeditate his disqualification in the semi-finals of the Paris Games 2024? And why does this exclusion from the sport shed light on Paleontology - the science of fossils? On the shores of the Red Sea, Dave unearths fragments of a 7 million-year-old hominoid skeleton. His stubbornness in defending the hypothesis of the aquatic ape - ancestor of Man - will in turn disqualify him from scientific research, lead him to risk his life at a depth of over 100 meters in the North Sea, take him to Russia to the source of the forbidden experiment on water babies, before returning to Paris to steal a skull from the Museum of Evolution. An unexpected piece of evidence will suddenly turn his life upside down and reveal one of the greatest discoveries on the origins of humanity. This novel, that follows the Epic of a incorrigible outsider, is based on real facts. Any resemblance to existing or passed people is purely coincidental.
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Book Details
Lulu Pr
Date of Pub.:
Feb 15, 2023
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Aquatic Ape, ISBN: 9781447842705  
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