Marketing and the Customer Value Chain: Integrating Marketing and Supply Chain Managemen, ISBN: 9781138394476
Marketing and the Customer Value Chain: Integrating Marketing and Supply Chain Managemen
  • By (author) Fotiadis Thomas

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Brief Description

Marketing and supply chain management have a symbiotic relationship within any enterprise, and together they are vital for a company's viability and success. This book offers a systemic approach to the integration of marketing and supply chain management. It examines the strategic connections and disconnections between supply chain and operations management and marketing by focusing on the factors that constitute the extended marketing mix, including product, price, promotion, people, and processes.

Key aspects of supply chain management are discussed in detail, including material handling, unit load, handling systems, and equipment, as well as warehousing and transportation, design, and packaging. The book then goes on to explore the marketing functions of intangible products (services), followed by a focus on B2B markets. Throughout, there is a strong emphasis on the optimization and maximization of the value chain through the development of a systems approach with a market-orientation. Pedagogy that translates theory to practice is embedded throughout, including theoretical mini-cases, chapter-by-chapter objectives, and summaries.

Marketing and the Customer Value Chain will help advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students appreciate how front-end marketing can interface with the back-end operations of supply chain management.

Book Details
Date of Pub.:
Mar 1, 2022
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Marketing and the Customer Value Chain: Integrating Marketing and Supply Chain Managemen, ISBN: 9781138394476  
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