Hispanic Market Power: America's Business Growth Engine, ISBN: 9781032392318
Hispanic Market Power: America's Business Growth Engine
  • By (author) Mizrahi Isaac

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Brief Description

The US Hispanic segment represents the most prominent demographic growth in the country, and a huge and untapped business opportunity for companies willing to move away from preconceived notions and market effectively to Hispanic customers. This book shows you how.

Now more than ever, corporations operating in the US should see the Hispanic population at the core of their existing and future strategies, but many leaders believe Hispanic marketing is the same marketing you run for Anglos but translated into Spanish, or that all Hispanics are undocumented immigrants with no purchasing power, or that using Mariachis in their communications is the way to connect with this diverse segment. It’s time for a modern approach, and in this book, Isaac Mizrahi, one of the country’s leading voices in multicultural marketing, uses his unique experience as a corporate executive, agency CEO, and industry leader to help businesses grow by leveraging the booming Hispanic consumer segment to drive sales.

Filled with straightforward talk, illustrative case studies, and pragmatic suggestions and recommendations, this book counterbalances academic books on the topic with little connection to day-to-day reality and other books with a more political standpoint. This is a business book created by a marketer for other marketers and business leaders looking to succeed in the US.
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Book Details
Date of Pub.:
May 2, 2023
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Hispanic Market Power: America's Business Growth Engine, ISBN: 9781032392318  
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