Stories for Young Minds that Really Like to Think: An Introduction to Philosophy for Kids, ISBN: 9798368322285
Stories for Young Minds that Really Like to Think: An Introduction to Philosophy for Kids
  • By (author) Barker Victoria

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Brief Description

What is truth? Why be good? Does God exist? What is the difference between knowledge and mere belief? What brings happiness? Do imaginary beings exist? What ultimately exists? These questions have inspired thinkers since the origins of philosophy in ancient Greece.
In this collection, we gather together stories from a range of different sources, ancient and modern, which raise these fascinating questions of philosophy. Each story is followed by a detailed explanation of how the questions it raises continue to inspire philosophical debate.
Along the way, readers will be introduced to some of the most important ideas and the greatest minds of Western thought: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Nietzsche and many others.
Ultimately, this book addresses one of the most fundamental questions of philosophy itself: what is philosophy and why should we study it? This introduction to the subject is primarily intended for readers of 13+ years, but is for anyone who enjoys a story that makes them think.
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Book Details
Independently Published
Date of Pub.:
Dec 13, 2022
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