The Survivor's Mind, ISBN: 9798360667681
The Survivor's Mind
  • By (author) Trask Stephen

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Brief Description

Through this book, the author hopes to shed new light on mental health, particularly bipolar disorder, of which the author has his own personal diagnosis. The book aims to promote a healthy discussion around the topic by describing the impact it can have on a person's life in genuine and practical terms. The story contains examples of the ups and downs, highs and lows, that come with bipolar disorder and how that manifests itself in personality and behavior. The book focuses on the author's journey from childhood through early adulthood and, ultimately, diagnosis in later adulthood. It talks about actions, consequences, and outcomes associated with the disorder and offers readers a compelling and motivating message. Be prepared for an emotional journey through reckless mania, depressive thinking, and even a life-threatening accident that almost cost the author everything. Read this book for a candid and revealing look inside the mind and life of the author, who has found happiness and success through it all. Grab your copy of this amazing real-life account today - it's a trip worth taking!
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Book Details
Independently Published
Date of Pub.:
Nov 3, 2022
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