Crowdfunding 2022: Basic Guide To Crowfunding, ISBN: 9781803348094
Crowdfunding 2022: Basic Guide To Crowfunding
  • By (author) Opensea

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Brief Description

I am passionate about what crowdfunding can mean for small business and social causes and could talk about it all day, but that's not why you bought this book.

There are 896 books on Amazon right now on the subject of Crowdfunding. If you want to spend hours reading about the history of this new funding source or what it can do for your business, there are plenty of other options.

In Step-by-Step Crowdfunding, I skip all the filler and fancy language to get straight to the point. This book is for people that have decided to crowdfund and just need to know exactly how to do it. You'll see the process from pre-launch to post-campaign wrap, laid out in detail so you don't miss a single point.

Even though the book is set out as a step-by-step approach, there will be some areas that call back or forward to ideas. For example, budgeting your campaign marketing needs is one of the first things you must do but this is nearly impossible without a good idea of what marketing strategies you need to use. The best way to approach this is with a quick read first, noting questions and ideas in the margins.

After that, you'll have a basic idea of how the different steps work together. Then you will be able to read through the book more carefully and put together your campaign.

But first, I need to warn you thatsuccessfully crowdfunding your project may not be as easy as you are expecting. Stick to the process though and you'll not only raise more money than you were expecting but you'll build a loyal community around your business that will carry you on to even bigger things.
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Book Details
Lightning Source Inc
Date of Pub.:
Apr 11, 2022
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