Real Recovery: What Eating Disorder Recovery Actually Looks Like, ISBN: 9781649602091
Real Recovery: What Eating Disorder Recovery Actually Looks Like
  • By (author) McCready Grace

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Brief Description

Grace McCready was a thin, beautiful girl; but when she looked in the mirror, all she saw was fat and ugly. What started out as her trying to lose a little weight by slowly changing her diet led to her telling endless lies, starving herself, and exercising herself nearly to death. As Grace developed a relationship with Ed (her eating disorder), she kept believing lies about who she was instead of believing the truth about who God created her to be. When her family finally realized the health crisis she was in, Grace was already so involved in her new lifestyle that she didn't want to give it up. But with the support help of her family, doctors, counselors, and God, Grace discovered what real recovery looks like.

If you're ready to discover what real recovery looks like, then this book is for you. By sharing personal experiences from her battle with anorexia and her much longer recovery process that followed, Grace helps readers see the reality of eating disorders and recovery. She discusses the truths she needed to hear during her recovery from anorexia, and she candidly shares her past and current struggles with her physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health related to her eating disorder. Her desire is for young women to have realistic, while still hopeful, expectations for their eating disorder recovery and for them to know that every small step they take in the right direction-whether in their physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual recovery-is always worth it.

Book Details
Ambassador Intl
Date of Pub.:
Feb 22, 2022
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