On the Edge of Greatness: Removing Mental Blocks that Kill Creativity, ISBN: 9781039164536
On the Edge of Greatness: Removing Mental Blocks that Kill Creativity
  • By (author) Korte Heidi

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Brief Description

I want to give away to you in this book . . . the ability to see and recognize every obstacle in front of your artistic path as something that can be knocked down and moved aside. If you are willing to put effort in, you can win. If you don't quit, you win.

Heidi Korte spent years holding back as a singer because of toxic mindsets. Her self-esteem was rooted in having perfect performances and receiving top marks in singing competitions. Seeing the same mental obstacles blocking the artistic journeys of an overwhelming number of her students, she began working with them, helping them avoid the common pitfalls that most young creatives experience but so few talk about.

In On the Edge of Greatness, Heidi shares the secrets to becoming an authentic creator, along with wisdom and real-life stories from her students and professional creatives, to help identify lie-based thinking and change false belief systems so the reader can learn to move past negativity and be free to create with ease and joy.

Each chapter delves into a mental obstacle that hinders young creatives, including:

- fear - comparison - rejection - perfectionism - time management
- avoidance - negative feedback - embarrassment - anxiety
- arrogance and self-sufficiency - creative blocks - failure - motivation
- self-doubt - schedule overload - self-discipline - social media

and steps to practically overcome them. Also included are actions to take, meditations, questions to work through, and space for personal reflection and note-taking.

On the Edge of Greatness is designed to inspire young creatives to move beyond their self-imposed limitations and turn creative dreams into realities.
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Book Details
Date of Pub.:
Mar 17, 2023
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